Things you MUST experience before you die… and not the daredevil kind

There are times when I take a step back and look at my life. This happens when I do something as mundane as making our bed in the morning. Then, when I look over at my 2 year old, she gives me a BIG smile that lights up her eyes like twinkling stars. Furthermore, her eyes crease up to form two slits and her nose and cheeks also scrunch upward to embellish that glowing smile. It is then that I think everyone MUST experience things like this at least once in their life. It is not about having a child…It’s about a content smile or looking at unconditional love flow from someone, or something else that tugs at the strings of your heart or other senses.

The experience I talk about is one where I continue to have a smile on my lips even after I experience something or relive a memory. A lingering smile… It’s not one where I smile and while turning away go back to normalcy. This smile does not subside even as I go about my day but finally after a while, my lips purse together.

These experiences are things that money cannot buy. It’s a feeling. It’s a response to something that happens to you. It’s a thought.

Can you compile a list of pleasant things that have happened to you? Pleasing experiences that make you break out in a smile or simply make you feel good?

* The heart-bursting feel when for the very first time your child gives you a spontaneous hug and says “I love you”

* The sheltered feel when a loved one holds you tight and stirs within you a feeling of safety and security

* The coy-and-content feel when you meet the eyes of your husband (after many years of being together) across a room full of people and he winks at you as though you are still dating

* The thrill when the best-looking girl at the last party remembers your name when you meet at another event

* The butterflies in your stomach as you dial the numbers of a loved one and soon after cut the call in between punching numbers because the feeling in your stomach gets the better of you

* The surprise of getting sprung on with the tightest hug from a spouse or lover

More than a few times I have thought about starting a journal of pleasant moments so that I can focus more on my positives (with hopes that in due course my negative thoughts and feelings will reduce.) This effort I believe will help me grow into a more positive person leaving me less time to linger on my negative moments. Also, the journal can act as a pick-me-up read during my low times.

I call these positive and happy experiences “my blessings”. Pursuing this activity will help me put a finite number to and count “my blessings”.

Here’s to an afternoon of setting up: ‘My Introspection’ time!


Nita said…
Reena, this is really nice! Please keep writing more such positive notes. Such a pleasure to read. Thank you. :-)

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