Passion or Prose

Ashamed … embarrassed … mortified … horrified is another name I want to add to my feelings of the moment. Give me a moment and I will tell you why.

I am eager to write today. Ever since I woke up today, I’ve been thinking of a tongue twister we used to try and say as children “I feel a feel, a funny feel, a funny feel I feel …” That’s exactly what I felt this morning only that I knew exactly what the “feel” was about …

My thoughts were brimming to be let out; my mind yearned to work again. Not that its not been working. But lying in an attic with a light brown layer of dust and spiders starting to spin their houses around it is not a good sign of a well-oiled and running machine. Well time for some spring cleaning up there!

Spurred on by this “feel” I sat in front of my computer and searched for the folder where I save my blog posts.

Cutting back to “Give me a moment and I will tell you why”, I noticed that the last post I wrote was over a year ago. So now you understand why I mentioned horrified as my “feelings of the moment”. No wonder the phrase “Time and tide waits for no man”. I wonder if the author of that line also had a blog that was not regularly updated.

I keep saying so much to do and so little time. But, do I make use of all the time that I have?

Does being a mother of a toddler give me a good reason, or excuse, to procrastinate tasks on my list of to-dos? Truth be told, my answer to that will have to be a “yes” AND a “no”. I admit to having used that ‘excuse’ of having a toddler although very sparingly, but on the flip side I can also list many situations in which I genuinely tried to do things and have had my hands tied for the same “reason”.

Finally it all boils down to how much you value what you want to do AND how much of YOURSELF you are ready to give for that. I remember when I have stretched and over-extended myself on some days to get our house in shape after moving. In contrast, there’s an instance where I forgot to call an electrician to get a light fixture sorted out. There’s also a year of NOT writing AT ALL! [sigh!]

The WIIFM (what’s in it for me) factor also plays a big role in this picture. Getting our house in shape quickly in contrast to one light not working for a day was the decision that I made. And not writing for a year? Well that I will leave to not realizing the passing time (Whispers of “excuses… excuses” fill the room. Is that my conscience?) Anyhow, I’ve survived.

Having said all this, where do I go from here? Can I still claim that I have a passion for writing? Or, will I use one or more “reason”(s) to extinguish this passion? Only time will tell …

Then again, if you continue to watch this blog space you will indeed see the answer to these questions. [smile]


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