Today I sat in front of my computer lazily basking in the
afternoon sun, all of a sudden I remembered that I had a blog.
While the languid fan sent slow wafts of cool air to bounce
off my skin, I opened and re-read the content on the blog. Thoughts of change
drifted in my mind. Change! How things had changed: my thoughts, my feelings,
my life, my attitude to life, my writing style. The list seemed endless. Minuscule
changes over a long period of time hadn’t got me to notice that change had indeed
taken over.
From a hot-blooded younger person who would react
immediately to any situation, I have now learned to see a situation through the
eyes of the other person. From a person whose mind and life was rooted in
career, I now put God and family first, and in that order.
In this constantly-changing world, every one of us re-act to
situations than go through them unscathed. ‘What causes this?’ - I pondered. At
the point in time, what one goes through--circumstances, health, successes,
blessings, defeats, feelings, thoughts, attitude, etc--are all culprits of our action
or reaction.
We allow every small thing in our life affect us:
- what others think of us
- how we appear to others
- how we behave in society
- what we achieve
- what we cannot achieve
- what we lose out on
Is this what our life means to us?
People handle this in different ways. Some take an escape
route from all this. They may:
state reasons of a religious nature such as
going for sanyas (to get enlightenment)
follow other humans--their teachings, or new age
ideas--as their reason to life, or how to live their life
opt for traveling jobs to avoid family pressures
lean on or acquire association with immoral,
evil, depraving, or degrading practice(s), behavior(s), or habit(s) for short-term
pleasures; such as alcohol-dependence, drug addiction, vile-gangs or despicable-peer
I repeat, is this the meaning to our life?
We ARE stronger than to look for an escape. We are built stronger
than all of that. We are superior than say animals, or any other thing, in that
we have a brain, a mind, a heart, a conscience, a God!
Change is good! Change means for the better. We are assembled
for change, to change (ourselves), to trigger change (around us). We can be the
change torchbearers than the change sufferers. Stand in front of a mirror. Now,
think about it once more… ‘Change’. Do you have on the expression of a ‘Welcome’
smile, or a look of disdain?